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Richard Brown and Patricia Gerbarg offer a range of exercises to promote resilience. One of my favorite ideas that never fails to fill me with gratitude, no matter what else is happening, comes from the mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn, who likes to say, “As long as you are breathing, there is more right with you than wrong with you.” In “The Healing Power of the Breath,” Drs. Oliver Sacks wrote in “Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain.” “Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears - it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear,” as Dr. Keep in mind that although it can seem cathartic to hear songs that validate your emotions (for example, listening to lyrics about heartache while feeling lonely), research on inducing varying mood states concludes that we can improve our experience with a more uplifting soundtrack. To honor your unique taste, explore different options and create a playlist that you find comforting when you need a break. Remarkably, serene music proved nearly as effective in easing patients’ jitters as the medication option, with no side effects. Veena Graff, an assistant professor in the department of anesthesiology and critical care at the University of Pennsylvania, preoperative patients were assigned either to music medicine - listening to Marconi Union’s “ Weightless” - or prescribed a benzodiazepine. My patients often reflect that an additional perk of strategic coping is boosting your sense of mastery - the hope that arises when you stretch yourself and accomplish something difficult, like coping with your anxiety in a productive way.įocusing on relaxing sounds reduces stress.

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These strategies are not necessarily a cure, but can help lower the intensity of overwhelming emotions, allowing you to recalibrate to better deal with challenges you face. So rather than dealing with anxiety and uncertainty by getting lost worrying, then chasing short-term fixes with longer-term consequences, like procrastinating, using food or marijuana to cope or relying on benzodiazepines - the anti-anxiety drugs like Xanax - it’s helpful to experiment with quick strategies that will empower you. Instead, notice and normalize difficult emotions ideally, negative feelings, including fear, can motivate us to solve problems. Pushing away feelings is like trying to force a beach ball underwater: They will pop back up. But it can fuel a vicious loop of feeling, then avoiding the feelings and feeling even worse. If you suspect you might be one of them, ask yourself whether you have a tendency to judge your emotions - it’s a common thing to do.

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Unfortunately, many people who experience distress try to escape their unpleasant emotions by distracting themselves in ways that ultimately backfire. Here’s why: Struggling with chronic worry gets in the way of effectively managing your emotions. In this emotional equivalent to an ultramarathon, it’s key to have some stress-reducing strategies available that work quickly and efficiently to help you hit the reset button.

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